Sekcia duchovnych otázok a odpovedí

Otázka 21
RE: Hlaholika - Cyrilika (1. nov 98)
21. jan 99

V hlaholskej paleografii je istou vecou, ze hlaholska abeceda je strasia nez cyrilika.

Cyrilika je iba odvodeninou z gréckej majuskuly (velké písmená). Grécke písmená, ktoré boli pouzité pre slovansky jazyk neboli dostacujúce. Chybali znaky pre zvuky ako je mäkké "s", "c", "z" a podobne. Tieto slovanské znaky sa zobrali z hlaholskej abecedy. Takze cyrilika vznikla odvodením z gréckych plus hlaholskych slovanskych znakov (písmen).

Hlaholská abeceda je tazsia, vzhladom na písanie, nez cyrilika. Preto niet dôvod vynájst inú, tazsiu abecedu, ak by cyrilika uz bola pouzívaná. To je len jeden z dôkazov, ze hlaholika bola pred cyrilikou.

Jestvuje tiez dôkazovy materiál rukopisov v cyrilike s hlaholskymi písmenami v texte pod ním (tzv. palimpsests). To dokazuje, ze pisatel vymazal hlaholsky text a napísal cyrilikou na vrch neho. Nie naopak.

Boj o prvenstvo nie je iba na paleografickej úrovni. Má sirsí vyznam: politicky, národny a nábozensky.

Ale co sa tyka casového rámca, nie je tu velky rozdiel. Hlaholika je spojená s misionárskou aktivitou sv. Cyrila a Metoda (863). Cyrilika, schopná písania slovanského jazyka, je spojená s bulharskym králom Simeonom, ktory zomrel v r. 927. Ustanovil predslovanskú skolu (893-971), kde ziaci sv. Cyrila museli prejst na cyriliku. Niektorí nechceli a tak odisli do Macedónie a zalozili Ohridskú hlaholskú skolu.

Cyrilika je spojená s pravoslávnymi Slovanmi, pretoze vychodná pravoslávna cirkev je spojená s Byzanciou. Prvá misionárska cinnost v Bulharsku (král Boris v r. 870) bola iba z Carihradu. Slovanské krajiny za cinnosti sv. Cyrila a Metoda uz boli pod latinskym vplyvom. Hlaholika nie je obmedzená iba na pravoslávnych Slovanov, ale je rozsírená aj medzi rímskokatolíkmi. Tak je to s chorvátskym hlaholskym rímskym misálom a breviármi pouzívanymi do 19. storocia v niektorych castiach Chorvátska.

Je to velmi jednoduchá odpoved. Jestvuje vela ucencov a teórií. Ale tu nie je miesto rozdiskutovat to.

Kiez Vás Boh zehná a dá Vám zdravie a stastie v roku Otca 1999.

Dr.Sc. Marica Cuncic


Odpoved 21
o. Pavol Eirene, C.Ss.R.
21. jan 99

Dakujeme za hodnotny príspevok.

- Nizsie je ten isty text v anglictine

- Myslím, ze je treba poznamenat, ze "pravoslávia" vznikla az v roku 1054. Cyrilika bola spojená s vychodnymi krestanmi, ktorí v case sv. Cyrila a Metoda i po nich (vyse storocie) boli zjednotení s Rímom, teda boli castou jednej katolíckej Cirkvi.

Dear Father,

It is certain in the Glagolitic paleography that the Glagolitic is older than the Cyrillic alphabet.

The Cyrillic alphabet is only a derivation of the Greek majuscula. The Greek characters that were used for the Slavic language were not enough. Characters were missing for the phonemes: sh, ch, zh, and so on (it is impossible to write them in the English alphabet in this program). These Slavic characters were taken from the Glagolitic alphabet. So the Cyrillic is a derivation of Greek plus Glagolitic Slavic characters.

The Glagolitic alphabet is more difficult when it comes to writing than the Cyrillic alphabet. Therefore, there would be no reason to invent another, more difficult, alphabet, if the Cyrillic had been already in use.This is only one proof that the Glagolitic alphabet was before the Cyrillic.

There is also the evidence of the Cyrillic manuscripts with Glagolitic letters in the text beneath it (so called palimpsests). It proves that a scribe erased the Glagolitic text and wrote a Cyrillic on the top of it on the parcment. Not vice versa.

The struggle for the primacy is not only on the paleography level. It has broader meaning, political and national and religious. But the time frames are not so big a difference. The Glagolitic is connected with the missionary activity of St. Cyril an Methodius (863 A.D.).The Cyrillic capable of writing the Slavic language is connected with the Bulgarian car Simeon who died in 927. He establish the Preslav school (893-971) where St. Cyril's disciples had to change into CyrillicSome of them did not want that so they went to Macedonia and established the Ohrid Glagolitic school.

The Cyrillic is connected with the Orthodox Slavs because the Eastern Orthodox Church is connected with Byzantium. The first missionary activity in Bulgaria (car Boris in 870) was only from Carigrad.The Slavic countries of St. Cyril and Methodius missionary activity were under the Latin influence already. The Glagolitic is not limited to the Orthodox Slavs, but spread among Roman Catholics too. It is the case of Croatian Glagolitic Roman Missals and Breviaries used until the 19th century in some parts of Croatia.

This is a very simple answer. There are many scholars and theories. But this is not a good place and time to discuss it.

God bless you and keep you healthy and happy in the Father's Year 1999.

Dr.sc. Marica Cuncic



Panna Mária, Matka jednoty, pros za zjednotenie krestanov.


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